Filtering Interactions

Filtering Interactions

By default, the interactions presented will be ordered with the oldest showing first and paginated. To help search the data, we allow filtering of the data. The filters can be passed as query parameters to the request. The list of available filters is below:

Name Data Type Description Example
enddate string This date is the last date to search, only interactions before and including this date will be shown 2021-04-20
startdate string This date is the first date to search, only interactions after and including this date will be shown 2020-01-20
users[] array This accepts an array of user IDs 6
queues[] array This accepts an array of queue IDs 2
tags[] array This accepts an array of tag IDs 1
quickref string This allows you to filter by an interaction quickref 12345
completed boolean This accepts a true or false value to filter completed interactions true
active boolean This accepts a true or false value to filter active interactions true
comments boolean This accepts a true or false value to filter interactions which have comments left by the customer true
feedback string|boolean This accepts true or false, or a string containing 'all' to show interaction with either positive, negative or any feedback. true
video boolean This accepts a true or false value to filter interactions which were video interactions true
voice boolean This accepts a true or false value to filter interactions which were voice interactions true
cobrowsing boolean This accepts a true or false value to filter interactions which were cobrowsing interactions true
chat boolean This accepts a true or false value to filter interactions which were chat interactions true
handled boolean This accepts a true or false interaction to filter interactions which were, or were not handled by an agent, useful for tracking abandoned interactions true
search (deprecated) string This is a general search method which will search for content within tags and messages. Please note this method is deprecated and will require additional filtering parameters in the next minor release. 'Complaint'