WhatsApp Sandbox

WhatsApp Sandbox

To try out WhatsApp, you can set up a sandbox number.

1. Go to Company Manager (you must be an Account Holder)

2. Click on "Manage Messaging Service Queue Connections"

3. On the "Add Messaging Service" dropdown click "Sandbox"

4. Enter the phone number you'll be using for testing in the E.164 format (e.g. +447912345678 or +12121234567). This should be your phone number (the number of the phone you are going to be using to send the message from).

5. Click submit

6. Use WhatsApp to send a message to the number below from the same phone number you entered in step 4. These numbers differ depending on your Talkative region.

EU (eu.engage.app)


US  (us.engage.app)


AU  (au.engage.app)


Please make sure you are sending a message from the same number you entered in step 4. Otherwise, the message will not get pushed through into the Talkative environment.