Talkative Setup Guide

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Mon, 13 May 2024 at 08:25 PM by Seb Coulthread

Setup guide for new clients (standard setup)


The Talkative installation is split up into the following sections:

  1. Adding Main Users
  2. Adding the Routing System
  3. Adding User Groups
  4. Adding Queues
  5. Customising Business Hours
  6. Customising the Chat Widget
  7. Adding Additional Users
  8. Users > Groups > Queues
  9. Adding Script to the website and going live!

Please note, these setup steps are intended for Talkative-only installations. If you are using an external routing system such as Salesforce or Mitel, please reach out to your Implementation Manager to help you get set up and running.

To begin your Talkative journey, our customer success team will send an email that will allow you to create your own user and set a password. Click the link on the email to get started.

1. Adding Main Users (10 minutes)

Now that you have logged in, it's now time to start configuring your platform. First, we should add any key user that will support the setup and configuration of the platform. We recommend that you limit this to only key stakeholders of the project such as your IT admin. Agent accounts can be added at a later time. To add new users follow the instructions below. 

2. Adding the Routing System (5 Minutes)

Once your core admin users have been added, a routing system will need to be configured. The routing system config will determine the rules behind customer interactions. To configure your routing system, see the instructions below.

3. Adding User Groups (10 Minutes)

Now that the routing system has been set up, you can now create user groups. User groups allow you to segment your users and agents to allow them to complete different tasks based on what group they have been assigned. 

4. Adding a Queue (5 Minutes)

Next, you should create your first queue. When a user starts an interaction using the support widget they will be sent to a queue. Agents that have been assigned to a queue will then be able to accept the interaction and communicate with the customer. Depending on the time of day or what web page they are on, users could be sent to different queues. Some common queue names are support and sales. See the below guide to add a queue.

5. Changing Business Hours (5 Minutes)

Business hours should be set up next, here you can specify your opening hours across your team. Follow the guides below to set this up. 

6. Customising the Chat Widget (1-3 Hours)

Now that business hours have been set, it is time to customise your chat widget. This may look daunting, but the chat widget customisation is the bulk of the set up. The below Youtube Playlist will cover how you can create a new widget, customise it and then publish it. 

7. Adding Additional Users

Once your widget has been customised and published, you should add the rest of your users to the system. Please see the below guides to add users one at a time or via a bulk upload. 

Please note as soon as additional users have been added to Talkative, they will receive an email to log in to the platform. This login email will expire after 24 hours.

Creating Users One-By-One

Bulk Uploading Users

8. Users > Groups > Queues

Now you have added your users, you need to assign them to groups and queues. 

Head to the groups and queues areas of the settings and add the rest of the users into the appropriate groups. Don't forget, users must be added to groups and these groups can then be added to queues. 

9. Add your script to your website

Finally, you need to add your script to the website. to find your script, go to Chat Widgets and look for the script in the middle section. It will look something like this: 

Copy the script snippet into the head area of your website. More help on this can be found here.


You are now ready to start using the Talkative platform. If you have any queries about the setup, please reach out to us via our support desk.

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