Setting your Queues & Groups

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 10:12 PM by Seb Coulthread

Talkative Engage uses Queues to group interactions together. You can have as many or as few queues as you require (subject to licence agreements).

For many of our customers, one queue is sufficient. By default, your new Talkative Engage account will be created with a Default Queue which will have the Default User group assigned to it.

You can create multiple queues based on your requirements. You might for example, have a Customer Support queue, a Complaints queue and a General Enquiries queue. Each queue must then have at least one group assigned to it. Groups are simply a collection of agents. An agent can be in multiple groups, and you can create as many groups as you wish.

You can create Groups from the Group Page:

Once your groups are set up, you can create a queue and assign it a group:

On this page, you can link any number of groups to a queue. These can also be changed to reflect given circumstances such as if you had an increased amount of activity in one queue, and the agents were struggling to keep up, you could assign another group to that queue to take some additional load.

In addition to assigning groups, you can also specify target emails. This email address is used as the "Reply To" email address when a customer requests a chat transcript. In addition to this, if your chat widget is configured to allow offline emails (ie, when the queue is offline due to business hours or lack of agent availability), the emails will be sent to these addresses.

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