Adding a virtual background to different queues

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 10:17 PM by Seb Coulthread

Have unique virtual backgrounds for each queue

With this feature, you gain the ability to enhance your experience by incorporating virtual backgrounds and assigning unique images to different queues.

To activate this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to "Queues."
  2. Select the specific queue you wish to customize.
  3. Access "Queue Configs."
  4. Under the "General" section, enable the "Video Feature Auto Start" option.

Once enabled, you can easily upload an image of your choice to personalize the selected queue.

During a video call, agents have the flexibility to control the virtual background feature by simply clicking the "Disable Video Effects" button within the video call interface.

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