Setting up a Generic CRM/Webhook Integration

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 10:32 PM by Seb Coulthread

The Generic integration allows you to set up a system whereby we post interaction data to a chosen endpoint after the interaction has finished. The webhook type event is dispatched 10 minutes after the interaction has ended.

The CRM Integrations can be accessed from the Settings. You must be an Account Holder to make a CRM integration.

This page will list your current CRM integrations and give you the option to add a new one.

Choose the "Talkative CRM". 


Data to Export includes:

Customer: This is information about the customer, it includes the UUID, created at, etc.
Device Spec: This is information about the device, browser type, user agent etc.
Feature Sessions: This indicates what features were active during the session, such as chat, video etc.
Feedback: This is the feedback the customer left if any, rating and comments
Files: These are the files sent during an interaction
Interaction Data: Any data collected in the interaction, pre-chat collection etc.
Interaction Summaries: The AI-generated summaries
Messages: Normal interaction chat messages
Transcript Messages: Messages generated from a video call transcript


Once you have completed the form, click Setup CRM Integration. Now this is complete, you will start receiving data to your endpoint approximately 10 minutes after an interaction has ended.

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