Mitel Call Me (Callback) Configuration

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 at 10:40 PM by Seb Coulthread

Talkative Callback allows you to use our customer facing UI to interface with Mitel Callback inside your MiCC.

This can be integrated by following the the outlined steps:

  1. Create the callback workflow inside YSE.
  2. Login to Talkative Engage and navigate to your Company Settings Company Settings.
  3. Click "Add Call Me" and choose Mitel
  4. Fill in the details from your MiCC Configuration.
    • Default Destination can either be a extension or queue uuid which can be found in the MSQL Database under CCMData.dbo.tblConfig_Queue
    • Callback Subroutine UUID can be found in the MSQL Database under CCMData.dbo.tblConfig_VWM_Subroutine
  5. (Optional) Add "Set Variable" with ScreenPopOnRinging =<<CallbackClientName>> to show the Talkative console when the callback comes in.

NOTE: The Callback limits in YSE must be removed or significantly increased as it may block Talkative requests. Talkative will handle all the request filtering. This can be done under Site -> Callback Requests, then modify Web callback hourly submission limit per user to a significantly higher number such as 999.

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