Classic/New Agent Console Comparison - Mitel

Created by Seb Coulthread, Modified on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 at 01:06 PM by Jack Hooper

A guide for embedded console users within Mitel

Talkative's redesigned agent console gives agents an updated modern feel, plus a number of feature enhancements.

Old Console - Mitel

Old Console Embed

The new console is shown below.

New Console - Mitel

New Console Embed

Please note that only the area highlighted in red below will change:

New features

Please view this video for a comparison between old and new console: 


You will notice a few obvious visual changes:

1. A connection status icon is now always present: Customer Disconnected Notification
The customer's current webpage is also shown here

2. Split screen mode: Split screen view

3. Internal messages / supervisor whisper: Supervisor Whisper [Internal Messages]

4. Chat thread layout: only a small visual change, but agent/customer messages are now more easily distinguished from each other

5. Agent suggestions: canned messages are still accessed via ##, however a new fuzzy search shows canned messages automatically, as well as AI-generated agent suggestions to agents



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